Issue: ($24,99)

Beschreibung: 2023: Each of the sex-positive short stories in this comics collection stars an agent who will go far-out (real far-out, like outer space) to accomplish her mission. Skelly's psychedelic sex romp originally appeared on the web (2014-2107) and was collected in a limited paperback edition - this is a newly expanded hardcover version, featuring an all-new story! In The Agency, Skelly's agents gather intelligence, meticulously documenting a universe of sassy photography, fascist surgery, horny skeletons, yonic portals, thrill-seeking vegetation, and multitudinous wry glances and stammered phrases! A must have for fans who have discovered Skelly's work more recently, through the hits Maids (2020) and My Pretty Vampire (2018). Katie Skelly lives in Los Angeles, CA.

Preis: 29,35 Euro Verfügbarkeit: Still Available

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Creators: Skelly, Katie