Titel: CROSSED PLUS 100 TP 02

Issue: PV-10.07.24: SALE ED($5,99)

Beschreibung: 2019: Alan Moore's redefining of the Crossed universe 100 years in the future continues with his hand selected successor, Crossed: Wish You Were Here scribe, Simon Spurrier. Future's world was devastated by the realization that one of her closest friends was actually the ultimate Trojan horse and led to the devastation of Chooga. Now as she helps a new town of survivors prepare for the organized attack of the evolved Crossed, she realizes that her best efforts may not be enough. The Crossed have a plan and they are coming. No amount of wishful fiction will prevent the conflict to come. This masterwork is a self-contained whole new world

Preis: 8,90 Euro Verfügbarkeit: Preorder

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Creators: Andrade, Gabriel Spurrier, Simon